Lifestyle, Sports Brianna Grant Lifestyle, Sports Brianna Grant

Sports That I've Tried.

Bree’s exploring the sports that have trained her, taught her and left their marks on her. If you think she’s not mentioning her time in wrestling, tennis, band, and ballet then you’re sadly mistaken!

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Lifestyle Brianna Grant Lifestyle Brianna Grant

Resistant Friends: Watch It, Listen To It, and Let It...

“People tell us, one way or another, where their mind’s are. When people around you are resistant to you or what you’re going through, don’t try to change them. Watch them, listen to them and let them be…”

In this post, Bree’s dropping friendship advice that she happened upon and has been keeping close for quite some time. We’re conditioned to believe that endings are terrible things, but we forget that many times they’re necessary to make room for something real to bloom.

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