Quote Series: Trevor Noah
Academia Brianna Grant Academia Brianna Grant

Quote Series: Trevor Noah

This week’s post looks at Bree’s response to a question by one of her favorite brilliant minds, Trevor Noah. The quote: “Do you feel like universities, predominately in America, have set themselves up correctly to be the places where people have the hardest conversations or walk away with a broader understanding of a topic or of other people?”

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Alo versus Lacoste
Fitness Fits, Fashion, Brands, Marketing Brianna Grant Fitness Fits, Fashion, Brands, Marketing Brianna Grant

Alo versus Lacoste

These days what you wear to the gym matters not just for your self-esteem but also for the post-workout pics and brand deals. But in this attention-driven world are we missing out on quality? Bree is on a mission to find this out for herself. These posts will look at two brands side-by-side to see how they measure up and if they’re worth your buck. Todays post: Alo vs. Lacoste.

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Lifestyle, Sports Brianna Grant Lifestyle, Sports Brianna Grant

Sports That I've Tried.

Bree’s exploring the sports that have trained her, taught her and left their marks on her. If you think she’s not mentioning her time in wrestling, tennis, band, and ballet then you’re sadly mistaken!

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Television Brianna Grant Television Brianna Grant

Bridgerton: A Tale of Friendship?

Bridgerton, a tale of friendship? Dearest Gentle Friend, what a pity it would be of you to indulge in the loving tale of the series but absolutely miss the tale of friendships. Surely society has not become so dense? Surely… 

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