LXXVIII: What Happened During The Week That I Said "Yes" To Everything?

Okay, I’m going to start by saying that realistically, I could not say ‘yes’ to everything because this week just so happens to be the week that I got the world’s craziest requests. But, my “Yes Week” is just another way that I like to switch things up for myself.

As many of my readers know, I am a very routine person. I do not like to stray too far from this routine, because it usually results in disaster, but sometimes, I take weeks out where I do things that I don’t normally do so that I don’t drive myself crazy with my routine (i.e. “eat my feelings week” during the first week of school where I eat whatever I want all week).

My Yes Week started with a bunch of agreeing to run errands with my co-worker since she decided to abuse my Yes Week completely (LOL!). It ended with my anti-social self agreeing to go out to a popular rooftop bar in the downtown area of my city. I actually ended up going twice.

Now, this is insane for me because, normally, I steer clear of groups of people and forced conversation (or any conversation, really). But, I must admit, it was enjoyable to get out and chat with other types of people. In my life, as it stands, I talk to a ton of people who are into law so the majority of our conversations are about law or, honestly, just a bunch of lies about themselves. That definitely gets boring!

Now, I won’t lie and say that while out we still didn’t run into “lawyers” who only wanted to talk about law because it definitely happened twice during my Yes Week! But, I will say that it is refreshing to not see the same people that I see day in and day out while within my routine.

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Because of this week, I ended up: going out twice, giving out my number more than I wanted to, making more “new ‘friends’” than I can name, dancing, laughing, eating [a lot], dressing up, getting out of the house, keeping my phone off of Do Not Disturb for the week, and, for one weekend, forgetting all that was going on in my little world.

A lot of good came from Yes Week that otherwise would not have happened. And, although all of the communication and smiling from that week had me exhausted, I thoroughly enjoyed myself, and wouldn’t mind possibly doing it again. Just not any time soon.

One thing to remember for my next Yes Week is that I should not tell people that I am having a Yes Week otherwise, they will definitely ask any and everything of me and then before you know it I’ll be married to a stranger with a cat named Clevis (not speaking from experience).

I recommend that you all give Yes Week a try, and that you let me know how it goes.


LXXIX: Blogspiration!


LXXVII: Have I Called A Post 'Love' Yet?