CVIII: What Are Your November Goals and How Are You Working To Achieve Them?

I guess it’s becoming a bit of a tradition to evaluate our goals each November because I definitely remember my goals from last year around this time thanks to my November Goals post.

This year, however, I am in a different space, so my goals look a tad bit different:


Last year, I made the goal of taking more of my blog’s photos! I wanted to encourage myself to get out there and take pictures that could be used for posts instead of using stock images.

Now, there’s nothing wrong with using stock images, but, for me, there’s a big feeling of satisfaction when I am completely in control of every aspect of every post on my page.

ANYWHOOOO, I feel as though I’ve up’ed my photograph game a smidge, so, this year my goal will be to promote my blog a bit more.


We all know that a big part of making it in this life includes clocking in, so I cannot make my way through this post without mentioning goals for the workplace!

Now, I usually work best in organized chaos, but I think that a good goal for me would be to become more organized! I mean, I’m not a hot mess, like, I use my daily calendar and I don’t miss deadlines, but my desk could use some official piles and designated spaces.

So, in keeping my goals simple, I am just going to work towards more organization.


Honestly, I am not yet in a space where I can slow down in an attempt to achieve a work-life balance.

I still have a ton of work ahead of me on the road to accomplishing all of the things that I’ve set out to accomplish. I’m not saying that it’ll be forever before I am able to achieve this balance, but I am saying that the foundation that I am building just isn’t complete yet. So, I won’t rest, I won’t take my foot off of the gas, and I won’t stop just yet!

Don’t get me wrong, I do leave the house and I do hang out! Don’t worry guys, I won’t go crazy, I get sunlight. But, I’m not at a space in my life where one of my concerns can be a work-life balance.


I’m all about a foundation, authenticity, real connections, and not forcing it! So, I want to continue on with those ground rules!

I already do NOT allow everyone access to my energy, I don’t respond to the bare-minimum, and I’m just not a fan of this new-aged half-baked relationship that guys are offering, so if and when I allow someone a role in my life like ‘boyfriend’ he, like all others, will have to go through my extreme vetting process before being accepted. And, honestly, we’ll probably be married long before it’s even heard about publicly. 🤷🏾‍♀️

As far as friendships, I am taking a break from allowing ‘friends’ into my life. Those who are already there, I am working on our bonds and making sure that they still belong there. Basically, I am more interested in making sure that the friends who I currently claim are properly cared for and that our values and morals are aligned enough for us to remain friends.

So, I’m constantly doing a ton of work in the relationships department, and I plan to continue on with that. Modifying your circle is really an ongoing thing.


So, a couple of things:

(1) I’ve noticed that people are way into gossip;

(2) Saving money can save my life;

(3) People are legit out here falling for anything; and

(4) I seem to want more out of life and people than most other people.

Let’s circle back to my energy to cover these topics...

Listening to people talking crap about other people all day is exhausting… It truly is. I had this problem in law school where there was one girl around me who thrived on gossip about other people’s lives. Hanging around someone like her was just exhausting and I don’t plan on surrounding myself with people like that at all moving forward. So, one of my goals is to just STAY AWAY. A part of the problem for me is, if you can’t say it to the person, then you shouldn’t say it at all whether it will eventually reach that person or not. Another part of the problem is just that there are so many other things that you can be doing with your time than concerning yourself with other people!

The second one is self-explanatory. I simply need to save more money. Whether it’s for a rainy day or just because, saving money is a MAJOR KEY, so it needs to be a BIG goal for me.

Regarding my third point, I’ve beat this point with a bat repeatedly and basically what I’m saying is: I don’t want to be around the people who want everything to come easily. I want to be around those who are working for what they get. I’m not falling for “love” just because you’re here and desperate, I’m not falling for friendship just because we look good in pictures; and I’m not doing things that you think that I should be doing just because you would. My everyday life greatly just includes me remaining who I am and doing what I want!

Finally, I’m learning that my standards, my work ethic, and my mindset are things that aren’t shared by many. The things that people accept as right and put themselves through just to have a story are things that I simply cannot understand. While I’m here busily trying to accomplish things, change my tax bracket, and make a difference, those around me seem to be worried about some of the oddest things!

I’m just not cut from the same clothe! But, I’ve known this. So a constant goal for me is to deal, every day, with the things that test my patience without losing my mind; my goal is to find a healthy way to deal with the gossips around me; my goal is to SAVE; and my goal is to just remain ME.

I’m working constantly on bringing about change in my life. I want to see a positive change in my circle and in my everyday experiences and I’ll only get this if I stick to my goals.

Now, What are your current goals and how are you working to achieve them?


CIX: Holiday Gift-Guide | Crowd-Pleasers Under $50


CVII: Y’all Need To Adopt Some Dealbreakers!