XXVII: What Are You Reading?
Living in California, we carry the stereotype that summers are all sand & beaches, love & friendship, and bar-b-ques & beers. And while all of this is true, it's also summer school & books, work & working late, and weekends filled with sleep and lounging. This summer, I am fully prepared to lounge!
Although I am taking two summer classes and preparing to take the MPRE, I am making it a point to visit beaches, take weekend trips and most importantly to R E A D. To hold myself fully accountable, I am making my summer reading list completely available to my readers. I will list 8 books that have been sitting in the "Want to Read" section of my GoodReads account for far too long, and I and diving into them. Here they are (feel free to add me on GoodReads):
Happy Reading!