They Want Us To Pay For Work Done But They Can't Even Do Work
Loan servicers are having a grand old time…
Doing nothing, that is.
You may have heard that loan servicers, like MOHELA, are in trouble for failing to send out student loan payment notifcations after we, the borrowers, have spent more than 2 years in forbearance due to COVID.
Not only that, but if you’ve been switched from a great loan servicer like Great Lakes to a terrible one like Mohela like I have, then you are definitely feeling the vast difference in customer service responses, competence and overall ability to the job done.
I’ve certfied for my repayment about 3 times now and I still have a loan payment of $2700 per month. Now, tell me, in this economy, who has an additional $2700, plus living expenses, plus travel expenses (driving a vehicle), plus the expenses that come with fixing that vehicle because I live in Sacramento where “Road Work” means “causing unnecessary traffic and leaving rocks all over the road so that everyone needs new windshields every week”.
All of these systems, be it State Service(s). Loan servicers, government officials, etc. are completely failing us right now. But there’s no shortage of them getting in our faces and telling us all that they’re doing for us.
This post will not make it to the loan servicers. It won’t make it to the State workers. It won’t make it to the people who need to hear it, but if you’re feeling down about the terrible service you’re receiving from organizations made to service us, then you’re not alone.
I’m tired too.
This is the worst,