Word of the Week: Legacy
Legacy means “a long-lasting impact of actions or events”
To speak about a legacy these days is common. To actually leave a legacy is less so… While this generation is known for watering down a trigger word or two, words still mean things and some of them have important meanings!
For me, legacy pertains to more than just my successes bleeding into future generations. It means leaving knowledge, possibilities, job opportunities and impacts that actually matter. If I could make it a part of my legacy to assist people who struggle with becoming better leaders or mentors, then I most certainly would because I’ve definitely had my fair share of the bad ones.
While I have been known for quite some time for a couple of things, I want my legacy to run deeper than style and an insane work ethic (although I am still proud to be known for these things). At 31 ripe years of age, I’ve seen enough to know that, as a society, we need a change. We need growth. We need progress. There are components of human decency that we’re greatly missing, and if I could leave a legacy of anything else, then it’d be the passage of ongoing lessons on human decency, respect, compassion and consideration.
So, this week’s Word of the Week is Legacy!
What will you leave behind?
Bree 👑