Allow Me To Reintroduce Myself, My Name Is Bree
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No really, who am i?
Ever so often I feel like I should create posts to reintroduce myself or my current schools of thought to my website for any new readers or passersby who may be interested. I can admit:
I sometimes get so lost in the creation that I forget to tend to the Creative, herself.
So, let’s start doing that! Maybe once a month, I fashion a post about me (Bree aka Brianna Jay aka Brianna J. Grant). It’s not to have the internet end with full book of who I am, because I do love a bag of mystery, but I think that understanding pieces of my mind is helpful in understanding my Breef pieces of work that I enjoy publishing to this website each week.
There’s power, comfort and intimacy in understanding the artists whose creations you enjoy.
Personally, I’m a lover, a live-r, a sometimes-invisible, Black woman doing what many of us are doing — trying to figure this thing called life out while stealing as much joy as I can.
I’m a hard-working, intensely honest, goofy weirdo when it comes down to it. This shows most when I’m in spaces safe enough to feel like my absolute self! In these spaces I’m probably sitting in an awkward position eating or making a sarcastic/dry joke about something or engulfed in a good/funny show or movie because I love seeing what other people are able to create.
I’m a very curious wonderer and wanderer who wants to see the beauties of the world and loves to see them through the eyes of loved ones that I can share my travels with.
My curiosity keeps me learning, and the fact that I’m not a genius keeps me humble. My luck keeps me proletarian and low-level financially fixed. My heart gets me into trouble, but not the kind you’d think. And my own knowledge of my abilities remains my biggest superpower.
Professionally, I’m a lawyer, a therapist, a college professor, a published author, a screenwriter, and a creative.
I love sharing all of these differing identities because they each mean something completely different to me. They each shape my days and how I navigate my days in different ways. And, each role takes either a front seat, a passenger seat or a backseat on any given day. My life gets to be what I want it to be because of who I have worked to become.
Am I in the space where people pay me what I’m worth, meaning, for my knowledge, my education, my work experience, my work ethic, my mind? Not yet, oh but when I get there, watch out!
Professionally, I’m nowhere near where I want to be. I’m not even in the city that I want to be in, but I have learned to take great joy and pride in the many identities that I can truly claim (because there are many scammers out there pretending to share these same roles).
Not just as someone who has worked hard and will continue to do so, but as someone who seemingly had/has the odds stacked against her, I’m very proud of the way that I manage to stay afloat and I just know that someday I’ll be soaring and all of this will just be a story of strength and sanguinity.
Bree aka Brianna Jay aka Brianna J. Grant