Let's Be Breef by Brianna Jay

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CXL: In Order For This To Work...


Today’s topic is… 🥁


“In order for this to work, you’re going to have to be honest” should be included in the therapist’s opening statements, if you will. We’ve discussed the importance of therapy in previous posts so I’ll spare you that spiel apart from saying that: therapy is very much needed to provide the tools that many could use for dealing with these growing odd situations that life seems to be throwing at us.

Regardless, in addition to showing up for our therapy sessions, we have got to be an honest part of our own growing processes with our therapists.

If we go to our therapist and tell them everything good about us but through our own rose-colored glasses and not what actually goes on, then we will block ourselves from getting actual help. We give our therapists the ideal version of ourselves that we haven’t even achieved yet instead of our real selves which creates a false image for your therapist to work with. As fun as it may be for our therapists to think that we are the greatest people on this planet, it would be much more fun for our therapists to actually know us so that they can understand from where our issues begin and provide us with the proper tools for dealing with those issues.

A good part about ongoing therapy sessions is that a therapist can generally pull out a lot that people try to conceal just through conversation, mannerisms and the recurring themes of each session. But, a bad part about that is that now your therapist ends up spending 6-months to learn a fact about you that you could’ve just been honest about from the beginning. Sure, this is good for billing purposes but this time could have been used in other ways, no?

I could stand on my soapbox and continue my poetic rant about the need and importance of therapy, but again, I’ll spare you all and just say, GO & BE OPEN AND HONEST.

See this gallery in the original post