XIII: What’s A Day-Cay Like In The Bay?
This weekend Bree & Anete decided to spend a total of 12 hours in the Bay Area. Here's what resulted:
We started our weekend with a hockey game! Now, ice skating is a love of mine, but never have I actually been interested in hockey (odd because I prefer hockey skates over figure skates, but I digress). After watching my classmate play, I am absolutely certain that this will not be the last time I watch a hockey game. Great job NorCal Ice Raiders & excellent job, Simon!
Next stop: The Museum of Ice Cream in San Francisco! Now, people have been ranting and raving about this place and for good reason. The location is perfect, parking was not the nightmare that I thought it would be, and there was ample food and shopping nearby.
We had an excellent time while in San Francisco. I hope you all had an excellent weekend as well!