LXX: The Woman - Body Positivity!

So many women struggle with embracing and loving their own bodies as they are. 

They want to change or alter what always was; they want to inflate, carve out, or add to areas that, in their minds, enhance the shallow idea of “beauty” in today’s world; and, to obtain all of this, they tear their bodies down and overcompensate with chemicals, injections and dietary products.

I completely understand seeing women in the media with perfect Coke bottle shapes, small waists, big butts, & hips for days. Or the complete opposite end of the spectrum where the women are super small, with a wide leg gap, ribs that show and legs for days. Yes, these may look appealing in photographs but are also accompanied by very unhealthy ends to get, keep and maintain this image.

Body Positivity is so important in these days. It is simply being comfortable and confident in the very skin that you are in. Not striving to change. Not striving to alter. Just being completely happy with who and what you are.

A big part of body positivity is understanding your body type:

There are many charts out there that help you understand the different body types so that you can find out which body type you have.

This is a shortened version of a body type chart. These are the five basics and, of course, there are many more variations of these core groups of body types.I am honestly a mixture of 1, 2, & 4. The fact that I have no hips makes me a dead ring…

This is a shortened version of a body type chart. These are the five basics and, of course, there are many more variations of these core groups of body types.

I am honestly a mixture of 1, 2, & 4. The fact that I have no hips makes me a dead ringer for the squared proportions in number 1. My broad shoulders place me happily into number 2. And the fact that I have buns and thighs are my only saving grace for leveling myself out and leaning me more towards a number 4.

Now, in fully understanding what my body looks like, I can pretty much see what limits I can push my body to.

But, another important component here is understanding where your meals show the most. My food legitimately goes to my thighs and my stomach areas. So, I am sure to keep cardio a constant in my workouts in order to maintain. This is another important aspect of understanding your body type (knowing where you food shows most). Just saying…

It’s all about knowing your body.

After you understand, You Have to act like you understand:

A scary thing that I see women doing these days is taking drastic measures to change their body types. There was a huge surge in the purchases of waist trainers when Kim K and her clan of siblings started doing promo for them.

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The companies that profit from the sales of these waist trainers then began to take it to extreme levels by adding components to the waist trainers that add more of a SQUEEZE to the women starting at her ribcage and ending at her waistline.

Once Kim posted with this super tight waist trainer on, women all over started getting tighter and tighter waist trainers until they decided to just say ‘Forget it! Take some ribs out!’

Before you know it, there are millions of women scraping together pennies to get botched surgeries, dieting in all of the wrong ways, and trying anything possible to look like women who paid big money for the bodies that they are rocking in the first place (i.e. all Kardashian/Jenner except Kendall and Kourtney).

There are so many positive and healthy changes that can be made to ones body with a proper diet and exercise. But, it starts with being comfortable with who you are and with what you have.

Sidebar, but of equal importance:

Self-esteem is lacking largely in the women community of social media these days(hence the reason you see all of these girls twerking down your timelines and half naked in bathroom mirrors). Body positivity is a move in a positive direction pertaining to self-esteem and self-love that all women should be striving to adopt [and if not body positivity, then maybe self respect].

We all have problem areas, but choose to love yours!

I completely hate the fact that I have no hips and a substantial hip dip. It also doesn’t help that I let myself grow a muffin top last summer which is still peaking its little head through at any chance.

This has completely distorted whatever shape I had potential to have! And, although I am working on getting rid of my babytop and these hip dips, I still completely love my body! I still do not wish that I had any other shape or size, and I didn’t need a Kardashian-like “workout” (i.e. surgery), or Instagram tea to get here!

Loving yourself is literally the key to all types of prosperity. Start with loving who you see when you look in your mirror.

Disclaimer: The Kardashian/Jenner’s are the focus of this post because they’re clearly the most self conscious and yet self-absorbed social media personalities who have built a career on sex tapes, scandal, lies, plastic surgeries, and objectifying & fetishizing Black men all while influencing all ye young impressionable minds who worship them — thereby leading to your own self-loathing and body shaming.

I, in no way, support the Kardashians or the Jenners. They are just the perfect example of why a lot of girls are taking extreme measures to change their bodies.


LXXI: A Couple Of Things That I Wish College Bree Would Have Done?


LXIX: Blogs To Be On The Lookout For?